Our insurance products designed for individuals provide unique solutions for both auto and home needs. We strive to streamline our products and processes in an effort to offer you a seamless and quality insurance experience. Many individuals are not properly covered due to the misunderstanding that a home or auto policy will provide coverage in all instances, so we offers a strong mix of products to eliminate the gaps in your coverage. Our team will help you protect all of your personal assets and give you the "peace of mind" that you need.

We understand that protecting your home, rental properties, automobiles and water crafts is important to you. You not only want peace of mind, but you also need to be protected in the event of an accident or a lawsuit.
We offer a variety of umbrella products in order to better suit an individual's needs rather than provide a "one size fits all" solution. In the event of a claim, you could be held responsible for more than what you have in the bank. Our products are specifically tailored to protect against catastrophic losses that could lead to financial ruin.

Landlords need specialized coverage to protect their rental properties. Our Dwelling product can insure multiple properties all on one policy. Similarly, condo and co-op owners and renters require a specific type of coverage offered through our Condo Owners and Renters products.
Our products give the protection needed for claims that you might experience as a landlord, owner or renter. We want to help prepare you for life's surprises and put your mind at ease.
Property-Dwelling and Condo

If you own a residence, rental location or vacant land, someone could injure themselves on your property and you could be held responsible for the damages. When these claims get too big, your underlying umbrella is not enough and the financial impact can be devastating.
We offer a product that provides coverage for a multitude of claims, such as a dishwasher leaking into another unit, a dog biting a guest or a tenant falling.

More than 20 million households currently have a home based business exposure, and most homeowners policies do not provide adequate coverage. Imagine the costs involved if a wedding planner books the florist for the wrong date or a baker loses valuable equipment in a fire.
Our home based business product offers coverage to many different types of businesses that are based out of the home, which need extra coverage for their unique exposures.
Specialty-Home Based Business
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